Swami Ji from Kasi staying in the temple
Ready to start Shri Guru Datta Havanamu
Devotees attending the pooja
Devotees ready to invite Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu
Devotees ready to invite Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu
Archakas inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with poorna kumbham
Archakas inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with poorna kumbham
Archakas inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with poorna kumbham
Archakas inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with poorna kumbham
Devotees inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with mangala harathi
Devotees inviting Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu with mangala harathi
Swami Ji comming into the temple
Swami Ji comming into the temple
Swami Ji comming into the temple
Swami Ji inside the temple discussing with the other swami ji from Kasi
Swami Ji reviewing the Vigraha prathista areas and energizing them
Swami Ji climbing to the temple roof to review Shikara pratista area and energize them
Swami Ji climbing to the temple roof to review Shikara pratista area and energize them
Swami Ji climbing down from the temple roof
Swami Ji climbing down from the temple roof
Swami Ji visiting all the dieties inside the temple complex
Swami Ji visiting all the dieties inside the temple complex
Swami Ji visiting all the dieties inside the temple complex
Swami Ji discussing with Archakas
Archakas chanting Veda mantras
Archakas chanting Veda mantras
Archakas chanting Veda mantras
Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Swami Ji addressing the devotees
Devotees climbing the temple roof for Kumbha Abhishekam
Maha Kalasham to perform Kumbha Abhshekam
Kumbha Abhishekam being performed
Kumbha Abhishekam being performed
Kumbha Abhishekam being performed
Kumbha Abhishekam being performed
Kumbha Abhishekam being performed
Devotees trying to receive the Kumbha Abhishekam jalam
Devotees trying to receive the Kumbha Abhishekam jalam
Devotees who were fortunet to receive Kumbha Abhishekam jalam
Poornalu being showered on the Shikrama after the Kumbha Abhishekam
Temple founding members Shri Ramakrishna & GIrija Devi garu
Devotees who participated in Kumbha Abhishekam
Devotees who participated in Kumbha Abhishekam
Devotees who participated in Kumbha Abhishekam
Archaka showring the remaining Jalam from Kumbham on devotees
Devotees on the temple roof
Devotees getting down from temple roof
Shiva Parvathi shanti kalyanamu, talambralu
Shiva Parvathi shanti kalyanamu, talambralu
Shiva Parvathi shanti kalyanamu, talambralu
Shiva Parvathi shanti kalyanamu, talambralu
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Shri Hemadurga Temple Welfare Association (Reg: 670/2009)
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