Lord Vishnu & GoddessLakshmi
Stage being prepared to place the Sahasra Kalashas
Kalashas being prepared (108 – Copper, 900 - Mud)
Stage covered by new white cloth and rice being spread
Rice is spread for Ahatya kalasam at the center and Paddy is spread for other kalashams
Stage fully covered with Paddy & Rice
Brahma pada mandalam is prepared with Copper Kalashas
Vishnavites preparing the Kalashas
The other padams are prepared using Earthen Kalashas
Ahatya kalasam to be placed at the centre of Brahma pada
Kalashas being arranged on the satge
Vishnavites preparing the Kalashas with sugandha dravays
Brahma pada mandalam being arranged on the stage
Brahma pada mandalam being arranged on the stage
Brahma pada kalasha being arranged on the stage
Vishnavites preparing the Kalashas with sugandha dravays
Navarathnas being put into the Brahma pada kalasha
Kalashas being arranged on the satge
Vishnavites preparing the Kalashas with sugandha dravays
A mango leaf placed in every kalasha
Coconuts placed on every kalasha
Vishnavites reviewing the arrangements
Vastrams placed on Kalashas
Vishnavites reviewing the arrangements
Stage prepared in the hall for performing the Abhisekham
Performing pooja and aarathi to Lord Vishnu & Lakshmi
Kalashas after fully being prepared
Brahma pada mandalam with Ahatya kalasam at the center
Bringing deities from the pooja room to the hall
Lord Vishnu proceeding to abhisekham stage
Deities sitting on the stage
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Vishnavites performing the pooja
Pranayama being performed
Aachamanam being performed
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Kankana dharana for Lord Vishnu
Satish Sharma – main archaka of Hema Durga Temple
Vastra pradanam to Bramha of the program
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Vastra pradanam to supporting Vaishnavites
Kalasha Pooja of Sahara Kalashas
Kalasha Pooja of Sahara Kalashas
Kalasha Pooja of Sahara Kalashas
Doopham for Sahasra Kalashas
Harathi to Sahasra Kalashas
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi ready for the abhisekham
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi ready for the abhisekham
Doopham for Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Deepam for Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Harathi for Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Abhisekham being performed by Sahasra Kalashas
Abhisekham being performed by Sahasra Kalashas
Abhisekham being performed by Sahasra Kalashas
Abhisekham being performed by Sahasra Kalashas
Devotees participating in the abhisekham
Devotees passing the Kalashas from the stage to the deities
Abhisekham with Tender Coconut water
Abhisekham with Tender Coconut water
Abhisekham with sugandha dravya water
< Abhisekham with sugandha dravya water
Applying Chandanam to Lord Vishnu
Applying Chandanam to Goddess Lakshmi
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi after applying Chandanam
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi decorated with special roots (vrata verulu)
Ahatya (main) kalasam brought to perform the abhisekham
Abhisekham from Ahatya (main) kalasam
Abhisekham from Ahatya (main) kalasam
Abhisekham from Ahatya (main) kalasam
Abhisekham from Ahatya (main) kalasam
Harathi to Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Harathi to Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Abhisekha jalam being sprinkled on all the devotees
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi after alankara
Harathi to Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi
Concluding speech being given main archaka
Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi after alankara
Concluding the Abhisekham.
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Shri Hemadurga Temple Welfare Association (Reg: 670/2009)
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